Send Me A Question!

I want you to ask me questions.

I would like to foster knowledge transfer; to and from me.

You can ask me questions about: Linux (Suse of all flavors, RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.), NetWare (3.2 and up), Directory Services / Identity Management / Authentication infrastructures, Solaris and other Unixes, Open-Source Software in general, wireless, etc., etc….

So, send a question to:

I will try to answer.  Of course it might be that you may not like the answer, but I’ll try to help, and it just might be worth a try (especially since it’s free).  If I do not know the answer, I will try to foster discussion by opening up the post for comments.

Why am I doing this?  To keep my skills fresh, to swap knowledge, to vent a bit, to share, etc….

When you send a question, make sure to tell me whether or not I should include your name if I post/answer it, as I usually like to include the sender’s first name.  All info submitted to the above email address become my “property” to use and reprint as I see fit, though I will credit you (if desired) as the author of the question/point/argument/rant.

And don’t worry, I’m not going to add you to any lists, or spam you, or anything like that.  In fact, your email address will only be used to reply regarding the question if needed… So there.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon….



  1. Alex

    Hi, I’m having a problem with the iFolder client
    After getting it installed on OpenSEUS 11.1 i’ve installed the client onto windows vista and xp machine, but for some reason it can not connect to the server, it throws a soapexception:
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.ArgumentNullException: Key cannot be null.
    Parameter name: key
    at System.Collections.Hashtable.ContainsKey(Object key)
    at Simias.WebState..ctor(String DomainID)
    at Simias.DomainServices.DomainAgent.Login(Uri host, String domainID, NetworkCredential networkCredential, Boolean calledRecursive)
    at Simias.DomainServices.DomainAgent.Attach(String host, String user, String password)
    at Simias.Web.SimiasService.ConnectToDomain(String UserName, String Password, String Host)
    — End of inner exception stack trace —

    any ideas?

  2. Jeremy Pavlov


    Interesting. It looks like the client is trying to do an SSL connection and cannot find the key. I found this post where a user seemed to solve a similar problem…. so…

    When you specified the server URL in the client setup, did you put “https” instead of “http”??

    Also, make sure you did/do not have any web proxy settings in use during client set up and testing.

    Let’s see if that helps….


  3. Steve

    Jeremy, If I am looking for an old command that I know I used on the server I can use the “history” command to list all the commands but If I do not want to weed thru all of the commands in the list and I know the first part of the command let’s say “rug”. What would be the command to find everycommand that I have used in the command history that has the word “rug” in it?

    Thanks Steve…

  4. Jeremy Pavlov

    @Steve –

    Since you mean Suse (given rug), there are a few options:

    – Type “rug” then press the “page up” key. each time you press it, it will show the previous command starting with what you typed.

    – If you are certain that you want to re-run what you ran last time that starts with the same characters, type “!rug”, and it will run the last command you ran starting with “rug”.

    – You could just parse the user’s history, like this: grep rug /root/.bash_history or grep rug /home/jpavlov/.bash_history

    …that oughtta get you started…

  5. Ren Cooper

    I have been following your work for awhile, great stuff. Can you look at also including the ability to add/modify/delete the Disk Quotas for the iFolder user?

  6. Jeremy Pavlov

    @ Ren –

    Thanks! About your question… Do you mean command-line administration of iFolder Disk Quotas? I looked through the UserCmd.exe tool, and only see the actions….

    …and I’m sure you already know that these items can be administered in the GUI…


  7. Niyati

    I have query whether , is it possible to retrieve the activation code for sles 11 by looking at the server. The server is registered at NCC. But I want to have the login and password for the novell customer center , Is there any way to find them out from the server which is registered properly.


  8. Jeremy Pavlov

    @ Niyati –

    The good news is that you don’t have to worry about that. You can always just go to the Novell Customer Center at and check to see which code is associated to that server. Once logged in, just go to “My Products” –> “Systems”, then choose the server in question from the list. In the “Registered Software” section, you will find the associated code in plain text, as well as the email address that is associated with it.

    If you forgot your password, you can still go to the same site and choose the “forgot password” link.

    And if you don’t have the login name *or* the password, you can just call Novell and they will help you out.

    I hope that helps!
    – Jeremy

  9. Niyati


    Thanks for the quick reply, and this is useful info.
    But does that mean we cant find them – the code or the username & password on the server. They dont get saved somewhere in a file on the server.
    The file NCCcredentials inside /etc/zypp has user and pass but in crypted form.. Is this any useful info?
    Sorry if I am asking something very common.

    Again thanks for your support


  10. Jeremy Pavlov


    You’re correct. The file contains the credentials in an encrypted form because there should be no reason to ever need to manually retrieve it.

    It’s an issue of physical possession vs rights. If one has possession of that file, it does not necessarily mean that one has the *right* to the content. So it is not easily retrievable.

    If one is the legitimate customer, with legitimate rights to that credential, one only need to call Novell and get the credential cleared up.


  11. Niyati


    How can I install sshfs on suse linux 11?
    Do I need to install fuse or any other package? Will that be available in suselinux repositories.


  12. Jaan

    Here is the setup:

    WIN 7 x64 (HOST, MS security essentials firewall is running)
    VMWARE workstation 9
    SLES 11 SP 2 (GUEST, firewall is disabled)

    Network adapter is configured as NAT.

    HOST can not ping GUEST, also GUEST can not ping HOST.

    any ideas?

  13. George Mashata

    Hi, I want to start a webhosting business on opensuse 13.2, unfortunatley plesk no longer supports opensuse and cpanel is too expensive, is there any alternative webhost control panel that work open opensuse 13.2?

  14. Abhishek Saurabh



    Please share Apache Load Balance service configuration on two Cloud based (Azure) servers with SUSE Linux-11 OS from your knowledge basket.

    Thanking you.

    Abhishek Saurabh

  15. Arsalan

    Q. I have installed pbis open to enable the Linux Ubuntu 16.04 to talk to the MS Active Dir. but now I need a method to authenticate the Linux machines using certificates from AD. This should preferably be automatic.

  16. chandu using centos.installed ssl free certificate. my ssl certificate expires tomorrow so can u help mesoon to renew without any changes to my domain and have to renew ssl..plzz urgently needed solution

  17. Kej

    I need to allow some ports access though SUSE firewall while firewall is open.. How do I exempt firewall ports

  18. Vishal

    Hello Jeremy,

    I have checked the upgrade script for patching which is quite good. But i have a question, is there a method we can provide a file (containing list of rpm’s) to zypper , to look for the available upgrade patches and download only those which are there in the file provide .

  19. Jeremy Pavlov (Post author)

    Hi! One thing that comes to mind is that you could loop through lines of the package names in your text file, reading them into a variable, and then do “zypper download (variablename)”. According to the zypper man page, this will “…download rpms specified on the commandline to a local directory. + Per default packages are downloaded to the libzypp package cache (/var/cache/zypp/packages; for non-root users $XDG_CACHE_HOME/zypp/packages), but this can be changed by using the global –pkg-cache-dir option.” Then you can “ls -Rl /var/cache/zypp/packages/” to see them, and you can retrieve them from there.

  20. Vishal


    Thanks for the suggestion will surely look into this , however i have a doubt that will this method download all the dependency zypper download $variable

  21. VK

    Hi @jeremy,

    I want to install the SLES15 using autoyast (without user intervention) . Is there any guide we can follow.

  22. Jeremy Pavlov (Post author)

    @VK – The full answer is in the main document here: …but a good guide to get you started on answer files can be found here:

  23. VK

    @Jeremy ,
    I want to customize the Yast firstboot , i have came across a lot of documents over the net but it is not helping out .
    I want to customize the first boot for example changing the hostname , ip or using any custom script during the first boot .
    i tried editing the /etc/YaST2/firstboot.xml after creating /var/lib/YaST2/reconfig_system file and rebooted the system but it fails to change.

    Any help ?

  24. bsp team

    Below rule in iptables is causing the slptool to fail in detecting the services of other
    REJECT all — anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
    I deleted it by using below command
    iptables -D INPUT -j REJECT –reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
    and slp started to discover from other node with firewall enabled.
    however when i reload the firewalld or reboot it again went back to original rule
    how can i delete this rule permanently so that even after reoading firewalld daemon it
    does not go back to default.
    or is there anyother way

  25. Jeremy Pavlov (Post author)

    @bsp – Oh my goodness I missed this question, sorry for the delay..! In Suse, you manage the firewall with the “yast” tool… in this case, you launch Yast, arrow-down to “Security and Users”, and tab over and down to “Firewall”, and all the setting and rules are there. Good luck!

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