BlackBerry and Microsoft Office 2013…

I know what you’re thinking…  “What does this have to do with Linux…?”

The truth is folks, I have a day job.  My company uses Office 2013 and Exchange.  And I’m a happy BlackBerry user… normally… I mean I love my Bold2, and it works great in every respect, but when the heck is the BlackBerry Desktop Software going to get updated to start working with Microsoft Office 2013!?!?!

I write this after just having updated to the latest release of the Desktop software, Bundle 42.  And in a way, that’s the worst part; every update that comes out gives me some hope that the sync will finally work…  And then…  Hopes are dashed.

For pete’s sake, I updated to Office 2013, and for more than half a year have not had calendar synchronization capability with my corporate account.

I don’t want to have to get a Q10 just to get Office/Calendar sync.  I mean I *might* get a Q10 someday, but I have a contract for my Bold2 and will likely have it another year.  And, the way things are looking, its another year without sync, if BlackBerry doesn’t show some love to the customers on their existing large footprint.

Yes, this is mostly a rant.

Does anyone out there have any news of future support?  I’ve looked around and found almost nothing.  Please drop a comment if you have heard anything…  But please don’t just tell me to get rid of the BlackBerry, unless you are willing to completely pay for the device and service replacement….




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