The Future of iFolder and noFolder

There’s just nothing like iFolder.  And soon (if not already), there may not even be iFolder.

Make sure to stop by the site, read Dan’s plea, and vote in his “What is iFolder worth to you?” poll.

You see, the challenge with iFolder is that it isn’t trying to *sell* you something on the back-end.  It doesn’t have an *angle*.  It isn’t trying to *hook* you.  As a result, there’s no business in it as a commodity.  It’s just an awesome, unassuming service that everyone would love; if only they knew about it.

I’m not sure what will become of iFolder down the road, but I’ll still be using the last functioning version for as long as I can..



  1. daniel lench

    Thanks Jeremy!!
    Your post caught me off guard this morning when I checked my google alerts. You are absolutely correct!!

    That poll is paramount to right now. We are taking a very hard look at things for this niche and based on that poll result, will know which avenue to proceed. Also if you have questions about why we are asking for this, just post in the comments and all will be answered shortly. I don’t want to dilute the original poll.


  2. daniellench

    i’m calling a meeting monday around noon us central time (utc 1800hrs) , maybe some people will show up 😉 #nofolder

  3. daniellench

    we are gearing up for a kickstarter project launching in early march. is transitioning from ifolder to our own enterprise ready home friendly opensource GPL product.

    nofolder server and desktop will be available free of charge. the mobile clients will be about $5 to fund development.

    there is no novell code in this, no mono, no libflaim.

    all the best,

  4. Jeremy Pavlov

    @ daniellench

    Holy cow, Daniel! That’s great news. Time for a new post on this on here, I think.

    Thanks for all the effort, and the updates!


  5. Wilson

    Thanks all, looking forward to seeing nofolder up and running, on Redhat based Linux. This should be a tool for all SME and enterprises.

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